Saturday, August 29, 2009

Second Grade

Dear Punky,

This week you started second grade. I was nervous, because last year ended badly for you. You seemed to cry every morning. because you were "scared" to go to school. You didn't pay attention to the teacher and had difficulty finishing your work. Your teacher loved you and thought you were one of the smartest of the first graders, but you just weren't paying attention the second half of the year. I knew it was because of your baby brother. It was a hard adjustment for you. Not because you were jealous of him, but because you weren't the baby anymore. Plus, you missed us when we weren't around. I think your baby brother took a lot of the time we used to give you for 8 years...and it was making you anxious, nervous and tired. You weren't acting out by being "bad" or creating attention. You withdrew at school, and missed us so much when we weren't around. So, I was nervous about second grade.

On your first day, you woke up and the tears started to come. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. But, you stopped the tears and put on your Spiderman backpack. You left for school with Daddy (because you said you would miss me too much if I went with you), and tears welled up in my eyes. I shut the door, and cried many many tears. When Daddy returned from dropping you off, he said you did wonderful. You were excited to show your school supplies to your new friends and you barely had time to tell Daddy goodbye.

There are no more tears. Your teacher has already sent a note home that says you are doing great. You've made friends and you've come home excited about your day.

I'm so proud of you Punky. Your first week of second grade went great!!!!

Love, Mama

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